
The view from the BOE table at Monday night's meeting. Parent volunteer, Rick Peddle, updates us on the Walking School bus program for Park Avenue Elementary students.
We were able to go inside the Little Bear Observatory at Sanfordville Elementary School.  For more information about the Observatory click on the following link:
September 3rd, from 8:30 - 1:30 Board members get a tour of the school district from Superintendent Dr. Bryant, Assistant Superintendent for Business, Tim Holmes, Director of Buildings & Grounds, Steve Salvato and Director of Transportation, Debra Weissman. School principals led us through their buildings and shared with us all the work that has taken place over the summer in preparation for the 2013 school year.
August 26th,  on WTBQ 1110 AM and 93.5 FM Dave speaks with Shannon and Keith on air about their experiences as new Board members.  Tune in on Mondays at noon to listen to "Your Schools" radio show hosted by our Superintendent Dr. Bryant.