Saturday, September 14, 2013

So Many Ways to Help

A few years ago, I was the on the PTA board at my sons' elementary school. For anyone that has not been on a PTA board, that translates to never being able to step foot in your child's school without being useful in one way or another. It translates into knowing where the largest need is in your child's school and being desperate to meet that need. It translates into being the "go to" person (or 1/5 "go to" people if you're lucky) for any need that arises. "PTA" is practically tattooed on your forehead. It was two years of my life that I gladly donated to the betterment of my children's school. Contrary to what a few may believe, the PTA is not in place to show the kids a good time from September to June. 

While serving, I encountered families in despair for many reasons, so we and all of the community jumped at the chance to help. We brought a number of parents into the school who were apprehensive about participating prior to our connection. We raised money for educational programs in the school and coordinated parent volunteers to enrich the lives of the students.  We assisted the Principal with the integration of about 100 families from another school after redistricting and made new friends along the way. While being a PTA board member was incredibly rewarding, it did consume my life for the duration (and after). So why would I want to sign away three more years on the Board of Education only one year after getting my life back?

Good question, I guess the best answer is because there is no finish line when it comes to our children and their education. I can't imagine any parent will reach a time when he can sit back,  check off the criteria for a good education on a list and say, "Great, now I can relax. My child has everything he needs." Our children's needs change each day and the institution that educates them must be changing too. In turn, our duties as parents change too.

That doesn't mean that everyone serves in the same way. We are fortunate enough to be in a district that welcomes parent participation. Yes, the PTA is a great place to start because they are very informed as to where the needs of the schools lie and can point you in the right direction. However, remember that the BOE is made up of people, many of which are parents, that care and want to meet the changing needs of our children and our community. Each member of the BOE would happily help you find where you can participate and assist.

I can't write about the PTA without clearing up a misconception that it is more taxing to be on the BOE than on a PTA board. In some ways, I found the PTA more taxing, though any position of service is what you make of it. The one big difference that I've found as a BOE member is that I am but one out of nine members and none of us is "the board" alone. We have no authority as individuals and can not single-handedly address any issue in this community. We become the Board of Education when we are together and only then can we affect change and progress for our schools. To contact the BOE, simply email That email address will reach all of our board members at one time (so much easier than typing in each of our names, only to get an error message because someone's name has two "l"s instead of the traditional spelling) and we all welcome your input.

Submitted by Eilleen Gagliano